Courses and Projects

impresaWe organize Corporate training Courses that can focus on topics of major interest, such as:

– Improving ingroup and outgroup relations

– Emotions, how to control them in a professional environment

– Loosen up to improve communication between colleagues, departments and external customers

– Coordinate a team

– Knowing how to delegate (how, when and why) and trust

– Stress Management

– Conflict Management

– Integration

– Developing creativity within the company

– Leadership

– The Voice: a fundamental means of communication

The workshop approach allows participants to learn through experience.
The theater becomes a metaphor where everyone is an actor of his/her own personal and professional reality.
The Theatre workshop focuses on: experience, verbal and non-verbal languages, body expressions, creative movement, the mask, improvisation and dramatization.

The participants will be guided through steps where they will have the opportunity to challenge themselves, putting aside their roles, in order to develop and improve relationships and professional skills. They will then return to those roles with a richer and more constructive attitude which will benefit their professional life.

All courses are held under the patronage of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan – Faculty of Education Sciences.

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